178 Rue Choquette, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QCH9A 3H1Get directions
Acupuncture, Fatigue, Système Oculaire, Allergies, Stress, Système Auditif, Système Respiratoire, Système Digestif, Maux De Tête, Système Locomoteur, Système Circulatoire, Système Endocrinien, Obésité, Infertilité, Insomnie, Douleurs, Système Cutané
Acupuncture adultes et enfants. Traite: Douleurs - Stress - Fatigue - Allergie - Infertilité - Obésité - Traitement saisonnier - Membre de l?Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec - Assurances, CSST, SAAQmore...See more text
Acupuncture is well known and scientifically recognized for its efficiency in the treatment of pain and many other health conditions. This gentle ancient medicine has no side effec...more...See more text
Wei Zheng, Chinese Medicine, Stress, Anxiety And Depression, Sleep Disorder, Fatigue And Burnout, Migraine, Menopause And Dysmenorrhea, Infertility, Pregnancy And Related Issues, Facial Paralysis, Asthma Sinusitis And Allergies, Acne, Eczema And Shingles, Various Pains, Musculoskeletal Problems, Capsulitis (frozen Shoulder, Support For Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy, Constipation And Irritable Colon, Gastrointestinal Problems, Urinary Difficulties, Erectile Dysfunction, Andropause, Preventive Care And Improvement Of The Immune Syst
AcuMédicina Clinic offers you its professional acupuncture treatments in Montreal and in Laval. Our mission is to improve your health through early prevention and natural treatment...more...See more text
Various Pains, Stress-Anxiety, Fatigue, Insomnia, Menstrual Problems - Infertility, Migrane, Allergies, Face Lifting, Menopause, Depression - Burn-out, Secondary Effects Of Chemotherapy, Back - Neck - Shoulder Pain, Acne - Eczema, Stop Smoking, Digestive Problems, Sciatia, Cellulite, Weight Loss, Arthritis, Neuralgia
Since 2007, the Acupuncture Li & Associates Clinic in Laval takes care of your well-being. Various pain, allergies, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, infertility, menopause, digestive di...more...See more text
Friendly service, professional and knowledgeable. With training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, North American Naturopathy and trained as an Acupuncturist both in China and Canada she offers a holistic approach to her patients. She has made a difference for me! Read more
318-418, av Saint-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QCJ7V 2N1Get directions
Acupuncture is a unique therapeutic method. It is enables us to influence and treat the interior by using a specific synergy of points on the exterior aspect of our bodies.The most...more...See more text
ABC Health Clinic has an interdisciplinary approach to optimal health. It is a practice which combines a group of healthcare professionals that not only share the same workspace bu...more...See more text
Marie-Noëlle Turcotte-Ménard
Acupuncturist member of l'Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec (O.A.Q), the Association des acupuncteurs du Québec (AAQ and the Acupuncteurs associés en...more...See more text