Given that most of us have two or three colds a year, that's a lot of opportunities for serious illness. Luckily, there are many preventive strategies to ward off getting sick.
July 28, 2015
Given that most of us have two or three colds a year, that's a lot of opportunities for serious illness. Luckily, there are many preventive strategies to ward off getting sick.
When you're deep under the covers with a box of tissues by your bedside, do you turn green with envy thinking of those people who never seem to get ill? Want to be one of them? While colds won't kill you, they can weaken your immune system, allowing other, more serious, germs to take hold.
When 146 volunteers received either one garlic supplement a day or a placebo for 12 weeks between November and February, those taking the garlic were not only less likely to get a cold, but if they did catch one, their symptoms were less intense and they recovered faster.
They're a great hiding place for all sorts of germs.
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