Certificate Of Location, Cadastral Survey, Cadastral Plan, Cadastral Mapping, Gps Survey, Construction Surveyor, Construction Survey, Commercial Survey, Lot Grading Plan, Legal Survey, Topographic Survey, Subdivision, Mortgage Survey
When you need a professional land surveyor in Tillsonburg and surrounding areas, choose Husted Kim Surveying Ltd. We provide comprehensive, thorough survey reports to give our clie...more...See more text
Survey Plans, House Construction Survey, Construction Layout Services, Unique Survey Services, 3D Laser Imaging, Site Engineering, Sewage System Design, Municipal Engineering, Site Certification, Land Severances, Site Plan Preparation, Committee Of Adjustment, Zone Change, Boundary Surveys, Site Engineering Design, Subdivision Plans, Condominium Plans, Reference Plans, Surveyor's Real Propoerty Report (SRPR), Topographic Survey
With offices in Guelph, Orangeville and Kitchener, Van Harten is able to efficiently service the Waterloo, Wellington and Dufferin Counties as well as many other growing communitie...more...See more text
Survey Plans, House Construction Survey, Construction Layout Services, Unique Survey Services, 3D Laser Imaging, Site Engineering, Sewage System Design, Municipal Engineering, Site Certification, Land Severances, Site Plan Preparation, Committee Of Adjustment, Zone Change, Boundary Surveys, Site Engineering Design, Subdivision Plans, Condominium Plans, Reference Plans, Surveyor's Real Propoerty Report (SRPR), Topographic Survey
With offices in Guelph, Orangeville and Kitchener, Van Harten is able to efficiently service the Waterloo, Wellington and Dufferin Counties as well as many other growing communitie...more...See more text