Welcome to the Cree Trappers' AssociationKwey and Waachiya everyone and greetings from the Cree Trappers' Association.As President of the Association, I now strive to move forward with the maintaining of our Cree Culture, our way of life and with the protection and preservation of Eeyou Istchee. Not only is the above important to unite and drive our Association but I, honestly, believe that these are the Cree Principles and Values that need to be passed on to our younger generation of our Cree membership.Driven by the objectives of Incorporation in 1978 of the Cree Trappers' Association, we will continue to consult with other entities in providing the protection of the needs and interests of our Cree trappers.Our members are so closely tied to their respective hunting territories; their respective lands are the very heart, the centre of why they exist. That is why, in the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement, we have devoted and committed ourselves especially to the establishment of a land regime that will be equitable and that it will satisfy the needs of our membership.As we do each year, we present the fur marketing program in our Annual Activity report and to our members at our Annual General Assemblymore...See more text