Restoration Stain Glass
417 Jane Street, York, ON M6S 3Z7
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Stained glass windows are an eye-catching feature of many Toronto homes built around 1920-30, especially in established neighbourhoods like Forest Hill, Baby Point and Rosedale.Keeping old and new windowpanes properly maintained is an important task for homeowners hoping to boost their property value. But it's a detail that many homeowners overlook, says Cindy Van, co-owner of Restoration Stained Glass Studio.

“After almost a hundred years, it's very old. Nothing lasts that long if you don’t take care of it," says Cindy. Extreme fluctuations in temperature are also a culprit that can cause damage to the delicate panes, she adds. Going from extreme cold to extreme heat weakens the lead. "It can't hold up the glass because it's too heavy."

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