BISImpact Consulting
Esri, TomTom, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap
1390 Howard Ave, Burnaby, BC V5B 3S1
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Meet the owner

Darlene Gering spent many years as the chief executive officer of the Burnaby Board of Trade, where she attended hundreds of community and business events. What resonated with Darlene was that while many businesses naturally wanted to find ways to increase the bottom line, many also wanted to contribute more meaningfully to their community and their society.

“So many businesses are looking to give back to their communities beyond writing a cheque,” says Gering. “We offer strategic advice and design solutions that allow businesses and citizens to address the root causes of social issues in their community.”

When Darlene started BISImpact in 2012, she knew she was taking a leap of faith, but with each day, she’s getting more businesses calling asking how they can incorporate strategic insight, collaboration, social impact, and innovative solutions into their corporate strategies.

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